How does the Zanox affiliate marketing program work ?

    Zanox is the European and Dutch market leader in execution advertising . performance is their most astounding objective – since 1999 . Service, quality, and transparency are essential to Zanox, consequently, Zanox is a solid accomplice .

Zanox supports your online marketing ideally. Together with their accomplices they need to make the trip for consumers efficient and agreeable . You can be effective with the Zanox affiliate marketing program .
The Zanox network is somewhat special . Not at all like most affiliate networks Zanox does not work with 1 single affiliate ID .

How does Zanox affiliate work ?

zanox and Affiliate Window have been developing advertiser and publisher incomes since they were established in 2000 . The new, bound together network includes 6,000 advertisers and more than 100,000 dynamic distributers . Situated in 15 areas around the globe, Awin mixes worldwide reach with local expertise to convey development for every one of its partners .

    Zanox assigns out a one of an affiliate ID for each (adspace/dealer) mix .
That means you may have several affiliate IDs relying upon the quantity of approved merchants in your Zanox account.
It additionally implies that you can have distinctive affiliate IDs for one and a similar merchant .
On the off chance that you apply for that same merchant under another adspace you will get allocated another one of a kind tracking ID for that merchant.

So clearly we needed to integrate Zanox in a totally unique manner. Rather than entering all your affiliate IDs for Zanox in the Affiliate IDs and Tracking Parameters section you simply need to pick the adspace you wish to work with.
The customer clicks on a banner or other publicizing . Customers purchase from the shop of an advertiser .You will get commission for the connected leads and sales .


 Zanox the best affiliate marketing program

    Zanox and Affiliate Window have a place with the Zanox Group, formed in 2010 after the securing of Affiliate Window by Zanox to end up noticeably Europe's biggest affiliate marketing network . The organizations worked freely until 2014, when they converged under one administration group with Mark Walters as CEO, Adam Ross as COO and Peter Loveday as CTO, following their 10-year residency as the Affiliate Window official group. The Group kept on working in Germany, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, the Nordics, Poland and Brazil as Zanox, and as Affiliate Window in the UK and US markets.

All through their separate histories, Zanox and Affiliate Window were awarded for inventive affiliate marketing solutions and outstanding service including the Deloitte Rising Star honor, the European Seal of e-Excellence, and a few Performance Marketing Awards in the UK and Europe.


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