Comparison between registration in CJ and Zanox

Explanation profit from zanox company

For the day you submit a German company for profit through your site or blog 'and the company name is Zanox / zanox.
What is the role of the company? - How will I win from them? As well as the difference between them and the profit from the Company Junction Profit
Zanox is a company that acts as an intermediary between you and advertisers. So that after you register in this company will perform tasks for the commission will win. These tasks vary according to the advertised companies. For example, some companies, especially chat companies, ask you to come with people who register on their site and take a commission starting from € 1 to € 30 sometimes. They tell you that these people should be from America, England only, France, Belgium, or all European countries or all countries of the world, according to each company.
And not only that. There are even companies where you can take commission for each sale. Either by up to 80% or taking a stable amount for each sale.
You can also make a profit by clicking. Most companies will give you a stress relieving € 0.50 or € 0.10 .... etc

What is the name of Commition Junction

it is a company that gives you the products you choose to be marketed, but there are conditions before you accept the Convention Junction You must possess:

  • You have a website, blog or forum.

  • You must agree with the companies that you want to shop for them.

Profit rates vary from one company to another in the Commune Junction, which earn from $ 1 - $ 100 per sale. Of course depending on the product to be marketed.

registration to Zanox

It is a very easy way like the rest of the companies start filling the required spaces such as e-mail, first and last name, phone number and password, then confirm the password, address,,  and postal number, then start the next step of registration and it will be hard to accept the password

registration to Commision Junction

If you are interested in e-marketing and eflight products, the first thing you need to do is to identify Commision Junction and then enroll in it so that you can profit through this giant company in alefite products.

After that, the page will appear as it is in the image to fill the initial data of the registration method in Commision Junction

After that, the page will appear as it is in the image to fill the initial data of the registration method in Commision Junction

As you see in the picture above you are required to enter the name, first, second and email and then press on Next, the note must be the same name real until later you can order checks on this name.

After clicking on the word Next, the site will tell us that a message has been sent to the mail in the message which you entered in the data at the registration process in the Commission Junction as shown in the picture below.

Go to your email and you will find your link message from the CJ website and click on it as in the picture.

After you open the message, you are asked to click on the green word "Create My CJ Publisher Account" to activate your account.

After clicking on this word you will receive another message by the secret code and this way you have registered in the company publisher.


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